Millions of Veterans Each Year Seek Mental Health Treatment from a Mental Health Institution. 

Types of mental health issues that vets suffer from are Post Traumatic Stress disorder and other mental health issues like assault and military combat. Other mental health issues that some vets suffer from are drug and alcohol abuse, depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide. Additional disabilities are toxic exposure, Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome and spinal injuries.

Signs that a Vet Needs Help

Keep in mind; there are several symptoms where a vet may express the need for help such as thinking about hurting or killing himself, going through an emotional crisis, feeling hopeless, talking about suicide and abusing drugs. Other warning signs are sleeplessness, anxiety, consistent anger, engaging in risky activities without thinking and withdrawing from family and friend.

Mental Health Services that Can Help

Mental health services throughout the country help service members who are hurting such as mental health intensive case management, work programs, psychosocial rehabilitation, day centers, inpatient care and residential care. Other mental health services are outpatient mental health care, homeless programs, military sexual trauma, substance use disorders and rehabilitation & recovery services.

How a Lawyer Can Help?

Keep in mind, a veterans mental health disability lawyer can help you qualify for veteran’s disability benefits if you were injured, contracted an illness or if you aggravated a pre-existing condition. You may receive additional amounts if you have severe disabilities or loss of limbs, have a spouse, children, or dependent parents or if you have a seriously disabled spouse.

What Will a Lawyer Do for You?

Most importantly, there are several key actions that a veterans’ mental health disability lawyer can do for you once he or she is hired such as first sending you a welcome packet. This will begin the representation. An attorney will call you to discuss a strategy. Once you send the attorney documents required for the process, the documents will be sent to the VA. The documents will let them know that you have a veteran’s attorney.

What Happens Next?

Then, your attorney will review all VA decisions and evidence from you. If your attorney does not have a copy of the veterans claims file, it will be requested from the VA. Then, the VA decision will be scrutinized for reasons and errors on why the claim was denied. Once the legal issues are understood, your attorney will determine what actions will be taken to get you the disability benefits you have earned. He or she will discuss with you all areas of your disability.

To conclude, millions of veterans each year seek mental health treatment from a mental health institution. Talk with a veterans’ mental health disability lawyer soon and find out if he or she can help you with your individual mental health concerns. With the many benefits available to help those in need, it makes sense to talk with a mental health disability lawyer soon.

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