The psychological impact of acne

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the skin that causes spots and pimples, particularly on the face, legs, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are all kinds of acne.

The social and psychological effects of acne cannot be underestimated. Acne can have deep psychological and social impacts. Acne may affect individuals of all ages, but it mainly happens in teenagers. The psychological and social impact of acne is of major concern, particularly since acne affects teenagers at a vital stage when they are developing their personalities. In this period, peer acceptance is very important for the teenager, and it is sadly found that physical appearance, attractiveness, and peer status are strongly related. The following are some of the problems that patients with acne may face.

Self-esteem and body image:  

  • Some embarrassed acne patients avoid eye contact.
  • Some patients with acne grow long to cover their face.
  • Girls tend to wear heavy makeup to cover up pimples although they know it worsens their acne sometimes.

Social withdrawal:

  • Acne causes cruel taunts from other teenagers, especially when it affects the face.
  • At a moment when adolescents are learning to create relationships, those with acne may lack the self-confidence to get out and create these bonds.
  • They’re getting timid and even feel solitary.
  • A fear of negative assessment by others is of the essence. Social phobia can develop in extreme cases.

Causes of acne

The skin has pores that are connected to the oil glands under the skin. The glands produce an oily liquid called sebum. A tiny hair grows out of the skin through the follicle. Pimples develop when these follicles are blocked, and the oil builds up under the skin.

The hormonal factors may also trigger acne problems, primarily an increase in androgen concentrations. Rising concentrations of androgen cause the oil glands to develop under the skin. Androgen is a form of hormone that rises when adolescence starts. It is transformed into estrogen in females.

Treatment of acne

Acne vulgaris is associated with psychosocial excess morbidity, which can be reduced by effective treatment. This is an exceptionally widespread skin disorder, which has far-reaching consequences if proper treatment is delayed. Over –the- counter (OTC) drugs such as gels, soap, pads, creams, and lotions applied to the skin may be used to treat mild acne. It’s recommended to begin with the smallest strengths of medications because certain preparations can irritate the skin, make it red or burn first.

For patients with moderate to severe acne, oral antibiotics may be prescribed for up to 6 months. Bacteria development and inflammation can be prevented by antibiotics.

The online pharmacies provide a wide range of antibiotics and topical creams for acne treatment that you can order at any time and save your valuable time from waiting in long queues at the drug store. Canadian pharmacy online is one of the pharmacies where you can find all range of medicines, face wash, gel, and other topical antibiotics for skincare right at your doorstep.

Significant impacts of acne and its morbidities have been observed on feelings, daily activities, social activities, study/work, and interpersonal relationships. Assurance and counseling, along with an early diagnosis of acne vulgaris, is essential to decrease psychosocial sequelae related to disease and boost the efficiency of treatment.

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